In the Kitchen, Kat edition: Beef and Sweet Potato Stew

Recipe: Beef and Sweet Potato Stew from Joy the Baker
Soundtrack: Casual Dinner Party playlist via Bon Appetit


Our low key table, wine spills and all.

In our happy home, there’s typically a natural break between Kat and me. I do most of the cooking; Kat is the baker. Occasionally we swap and I am all too happy to be banished to the couch to drink a glass of wine and mastermind the playlist.

Two of Reuben’s friends joined us for dinner. While we’ve been spared all rounds of the Polar Vortex it hasn’t exactly been balmy in Seattle so a Sunday night stew was perfect. Grant and Anjela brought wine from their well curated stash and we were ready for a night of round the table chatting.

Now, I know that I don’t present as a person deeply enmeshed in nerd culture but I speak at least Conversational Nerd. We had a great conversation about the allegorical references in various X Man characters and broadly about sci-fi’s ability to break down societal assumptions (related: check out this great talk on horror and modern social structures). This is why I love meeting new people. Even if you don’t become BFF there’s always something to explore if you’re game for good conversation.

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